Upcoming Events

Group Sound Meditation

Important Notice:

If you have any COVID-19-related symptoms: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea in the past 72 hours, please notify us to cancel your registration if you are attending a group sound healing session.

If you have had any exposure to COVID-19, please test for COVID-19 prior to attending any event with Tonal Harmony Healing LLC.

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of these guidelines to keep the space sacred for all.

Meditation Mondays on the 3rd Monday of April, May, June, July, September, November & December at Hermitage Farm, Rochester, MN.

75-minute Group Sound Meditation

Monday, May 20, 2024, at 7 PM at Hermitage Farm, 6415 West River Road, Rochester, MN 55901

Service Description

Embark on a journey of serenity and self-discovery as we invite you to a multi-instrumental Sound Meditation event guided by healing arts practitioner, Crystal Lilya of Tonal Harmony Healing LLC.

Join us for this deep relaxation experience on January 15, 2024, at 7:00 pm at Hermitage Farms, where tranquility meets transformative sound healing.

Sound healing is an ancient practice that uses vibrational frequencies of sound to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.  Immerse yourself in the therapeutic sounds of gentle gongs, the harmonious resonance of Tibetan & crystal singing bowls, and other therapeutic instruments, creating a symphony of healing vibrations.

Our experienced healing arts practitioner, Crystal Lilya, specializes in integral sound healing therapy, Advanced Sacred Soul, Advanced Energy Allergy Healing, Co-creating Miracles with Sacred Technology, Compassion Key, and Advanced crystal therapy, and is a Reiki Master. She brings a wealth of knowledge of ancient and modern healing modalities, ensuring you receive the utmost care and guidance.

Engage in a guided meditation, share your intentions, and connect with like-minded individuals on a journey of self-discovery. The group sound meditation is designed to reduce stress, enhance mindfulness, and promote holistic well-being. Other potential benefits of receiving sound healing: improved sleep, stress reduction, pain relief, enhanced mood, and emotional well-being, increased mindfulness, mental clarity, balancing chakras, deeper state of meditation and concentration, assisted release of emotional blockages and tension stored in the body, positive impact on the immune system, deeper connection to your inner self or higher consciousness.

Spaces are limited for this exclusive event. Reserve your spot now for an evening of tranquility, rejuvenation, and self-discovery.

For more information, contact us at crystal@tonalharmonyhealing.com.

90-minute Reiki-infused Sound Healing

Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 2 PM at Red Pine Reiki, 4295 County Highway I, Sparta, WI 54656

Service Description

Join us on Saturday, April 20th at 2:00 PM at Red Pine Reiki for a Reiki-Infused Sound Healing Wellness Event. Experience peace and tranquility while indulging in soothing sounds, guided meditations, and Reiki. This is a special opportunity to receive a group healing appropriate for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs, and it is appropriate for health maintenance.

The event features Crystal Lilya of Tonal Harmony Healing LLC and the tranquil sounds of exotic instruments such as large gong, pela beads, monochord, ocean drum, chimes, ceremonial drum and many more instruments. Crystal incorporates her beautiful voice and drumming into the group healing. Janet Parent of Red Pine Reiki will move through the room providing each participant with the profound healing and relaxation of Reiki providing individual attention to each person's energetic needs.

Meet the Professionals:

Crystal Lilya of Tonal Harmony Healing LLC;

Crystal has a bachelor's degree in music-voice and psychology from the University of Colorado at Boulder. She performed with the West African Highlife Ensemble for three years. Crystal studied abroad in Ghana which enabled her to continue to explore West African Highlife music, drumming, dance, and culture. After college, Crystal's path included overlapping careers: 10 years in the music industry and more than 20 years in mental health and healthcare.  

Crystal's areas of focus include ancient Zen healing modalities that include Sound Healing, Light Language, Reiki and Crystal Therapy. She also practices newer modern-age therapies which include Sacred Light Technologies, Advanced Sacred Sound Alignment, Advanced Energy Allergy Healing, Compassion Key and Akashic Records. Crystal's healing studio is located at Vitality Chiropractic in Rochester, MN.

Janet Parent of Red Pine Reiki LLC;

Janet is a Shinpiden Reiki Master Teacher/Practitioner & Certified Social Worker. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology and is a certified social worker with 25+ years of experience working with many populations in areas of physical and emotional health.

Janet has three Reiki Lineages: Western-influenced Reiki through Hawayo Takata, Eastern Usui Reiki Ryoho through Hiroshi Doi, and Jikiden Reiki through Chiyoko Yamaguchi. Red Pine Reiki is highly focused on the meditative and hands-on healing aspects of Reiki. Please bring your favorite yoga mat, cushion, or eye mask for your comfort. Yoga mats and chairs are available.

We have now discovered that there is no such thing as matter; it is all just different rates of vibration designed by an unseen intelligence.”

-Physicist Max Planck, Noble Prize for Physics in 1918

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibrations.”

-Nikola Tesla